Auto diagnostics

Diagnostic check of carborator cars & earlier fuel injection vehicles

We inspect the ignition system, set the timing and the exhaust gas mixture to the manufacturers specification ( tune up). Now we can establish, whether the engine runs within specification or if one or more of the systems has any faults. (ignition, fuel supply, electric or electronic)

Once this has been established it might be necessary to look further (at an additional charge) for the exact reasons why the engine is not performing. It might be necessary to open the dashboard to find an electrical fault or to check sensors, relays and other components.

Diagnostic check of fuel injection engines with management system

The electronic control unit of the engine management system is connected to a diagnostic tester and we obtain a display and printout of faults recorded. Through an elimination process we can determine, whether these recorded faults are originating from faulty parts, which have to be replaced or whether an abnormal condition has occurred, in which case the ECU memory can be cleared.

The diagnostic check and fault finding process does not include any parts and labour required to repair the problem found during the fault finding proces.

Auto Diagnostics

Todays modern vehicles require sophisticated diagnostic equipment and expertly trained technicians. Our workshop has both. Is your car not running well; cold start problems, uneven running engine, over- heating or high fuel consumption spoil the performance of your car? Is it time for a service? The likelihood, that a service will solve your problem is low, but on the other hand, if your car needs a service anyway, this might be the way to go. If, however, your car just had a service, may be with another service provider, a diagnostic interrogation of your engine management systems should be considered.